Meet Owen

Starting back with us at Shadowbox Martial Arts as a fifteen-year-old, Owen has more than grown into a brilliant martial artist. A natural talent for kickboxing, learning our techniques and sequences through dedication, commitment and hard work helped sharpen Owen’s game.

The perfect role model for any younger members. Warm and welcoming to anyone who walks through the doors.

"I’ve always enjoyed watching MMA and striking and have always been interested in watching and learning different techniques that would help me alter or adapt, from my traditional kickboxing style and previous experience. So when Shadowbox opened I wanted to learn how to upgrade my striking game by mixing in more effective punching and setups to my style.

"It feels like a dream being able to help other people reach their goals and desired outcomes with their training, as not too long ago I wanted to reach the same point. The technical advice I’ve picked up was all in these classes all coached by coaches at the top level.

"The bond you can get with the coaches in the gym is like no other gym I have been to. Mainly for me, they’re all are down to earth and very nice lads. No matter your goals, experience or current progress, we do not judge and provide everyone with a gym environment you will want to be around long term."

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